Civil Society Organizations’ Comments/Reactions to the Vale’s “Our Strategy and Commitments – Statement on PT Vale Indonesia Tbk” dated August 29, 20231
Prepared by WALHI South Sulawesi, WALHI, Friends of the Earth Japan,
and Pacific Asia resource Center
(September 8, 2023)
First, before commenting on each of the points raised in Vale’s Statement in the table below, we would like to express our disappointment that, with respect to the local farmers’ and women’s desperate hope “To exclude farmland, where local communities depend on for their livelihoods, and adequate buffer zones from the area to be mined (including the Tanamalia block currently under exploration),” which is mentioned in our letter to Vale/PTVI shareholders dated August 18, 2023 (“the Letter”)2, we note that Vale has made no specific comment on the issue in its statement. We believe that Vale’s failure to provide any answer or response to one of the most fundamental and critical issues for the communities indicates how void Vale’s words about “We emphasize open dialogue with local communities and authorities to resolve conflicts” are. Vale/PTVI must respect such aspirations and concerns of the communities and women.
Eksternal Links:
[1] Our Strategy and Commitments – Statement on PT Vale Indonesia Tbk” dated August 29, 2023
[2] Our letter to Vale/PTVI shareholders dated August 18, 2023